Whaling statistics - 1961
Whaling in 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia 4 1,387 - 792 134 - 2,317
Antarctic, pelagic 1,740 27,374 718 4,310 4,666 1641 38,972
- Natal 6 622 36 475 1,004 - 2,143
- Cape Province 3 201 4 228 765 82 1,209
South Atlantic, pelagic7 - - - - 121 - 121
- Paraiba - 10 13 958 102 - 1,083
North Atlantic and Arctic:-
- Azores - - - - 374 - 374
- Madeira - - 4 - 129 - 133
- Spain - - - - 98 943 192
- Norway - 162 - 6 88 - 256
- Iceland - 142 - 58 150 - 350
- Greenland - - 1 - - - 1
- Newfoundland - - - 1 - - 1
Pacific (north):-
- California 2 118 62 51 101 44 338
- Oregon - - 2 - 3 - 5
- North Pacific and
Bering Sea, pelagic
70 1,452 9 4 1,800 35 3,338
- Kamtchatka, pelagic 2 79 314 54 1,868 - 2,317
- Kuril Islands 15 156 19 52 1,401 46 1,647
- Japan 3 71 4 782 2,101 - 2,961
- Ryukyu Islands - - 90 - 9 - 99
Peru - - - - 3,602 - 3,602
Chile 142 16 3 13 2,160 - 2,334
Australia - - 1,481 - 454 22 1,937
New Zealand - - 80 1 - - 81
TOTAL 1,987 31,790 2,840 7,785 21,130 279 65,811
1) 2 right whales and 162 Minke whales.
2) Bryde whales
3) Baleen whales, not specified.
4) Baird's beaked whales.
5) Right whales.
6) 1 Minke whale and 3 bottlenoses.
7) Catch by floating factories on voyage to the Antarctic whaling grounds (North of 40o South Lat.).
Whaling results for the various countries: 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Australia - - 1,481 - 454 21 1,937
Brazil - 10 13 958 102 - 1,083
Canada - - - 1 - - 1
Chile 142 16 3 13 2,160 - 2,334
Denmark - - 1 - - - 1
Iceland - 142 - 58 150 - 350
Japan 1,217 10,435 224 2,559 5,453 32 19,891
Netherlands 50 1,903 10 30 218 12 2,212
New Zealand - - 80 1 - - 81
Norway 138 9,987 80 707 1,916 12 12,829
Peru - - - - 3,602 - 3,602
Portugal - - 4 - 503 - 507
South Africa 9 823 40 703 1,769 81 3,352
Spain - - - - 98 943 192
United Kingdom6 111 3,748 115 1,528 311 - 5,813
U.S.A. 2 118 154 51 113 44 442
U.S.S.R. 318 4,608 635 1,176 4,281 1665 11,184
TOTAL 1,987 31,790 2,840 7,785 21,130 279 65,811
1) Bryde whales.
2) Right whales.
3) Baleen whales, not specified.
4) Baird's beaked whales.
5) 163 Minke whales, and 3 bottlenoses.
6) Includes the catch of one British company registered at Falkland Islands.
 Whaling: 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic 138 9,825 80 701 1,745 11 12,490
South Atlantic, pelagic2 - - - - 83 - 83
Norway - 162 - 6 88 - 256
TOTAL 138 9,987 80 707 1,916 1 12,829
1) Right whale.
2) Floating factories on voyage to the Antarctic whaling grounds (catch north of 40o South Lat.).
Whaling of United Kingdom: 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia1 4 1,387 - 792 134 - 2,317
Antarctic, pelagic 107 2,361 115 736 177 - 3,496
TOTAL 111 3,748 115 1,528 311 - 5,813
1) Includes the catch of one British company registered at Falkland Islands.
Whaling of Japan: 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic 1,144 8,912 211 1,773 1,552 - 13,592
North Pacific and
Bering Sea, pelagic
70 1,452 9 4 1,800 31 3,338
Japan 3 71 4 782 2,101 - 2,961
TOTAL 1,217 10,435 224 2,559 5,453 3 19,891
1) Right whales.
Whaling of U.S.S.R.: 1960-61 and summer 1961
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic 301 4,373 302 1,070 974 1621 7,182
South Atlantic3 - - - - 38 - 38
Kamtchatka, pelagic 2 79 314 54 1,868 - 2,317
Kuril Islands 15 156 19 52 1,401 42 1,647
TOTAL 318 4,608 635 1,176 4,281 166 11,184
1) Minke whales.
2) 1 Minke whale and 3 bottlenoses.
3) Floating factory on voyage to the Antarctic whaling grounds (catch north of 40o South Lat.).

The Committee for Whaling Statistics,
"International Whaling Statistics - XLIX", Oslo, 1963

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