was once quite separate from the other fields of film
production, but as the boundaries between advertising, corporate
communications and public information have become blurred, so
too have the electronic, printed and internet-based media also
converged, resulting in media landscape for commercial
advertising that would have been unthinkable a decade or two
ago. |
advertising has always been about story telling and identifying
with the target audience. As an audio visual medium, film
production enables the advertiser to tailor both the message and
the medium to the target audience, often with different releases
for different media or different markets, and with an arguably
greater degree of success today than in the past.
Today, most of
our commercial advertising productions are aimed at
internet-based promotion - either as demonstration videos,
banner advertising or other forms of content marketing for
trade-show and exhibition use.
We also
produce presentations for digital signage and in-shop product
presentation. |
We work equally well with the customer's
advertising agency or directly for the customer. Besides
producing video advertising we also can handle the production of
radio spots and the production of still photos and graphics for
any media. For
examples of our work in this field, select the "view
examples" link on the left hand menu |