1984, Channel 6 Television has produced TV and film productions
and provided production facilities to Danish and international
TV stations, industry, public authorities, government
institutions, private organizations, NGO's, the music industry
and other users of professional media productions. |
company was established in Denmark in 1984 by Englishman
Adrian Redmond, who continues to be the managing director
and head of production for the company.
As a
television lighting cameraman, editor, photographer and
producer, Adrian has 40 years experience of the television
and film industry.
Since 1985 the company has been based on a rural property
outside the village of Mesing, near Skanderborg, about 25
km south of Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city. |
Redmond |
At our Mesing
base we have a 150 sq. metre sound stage, a large workshop,
several edit suites, a sound studio and our other production
offices and facilities comprising equipment ranging from modern
digital high definition to a comprehensive range of analogue
equipment covering almost all legacy VTR formats - ensuring
continued access to an archive spanning 35 years work.
Almost all
Channel 6 Television productions are commissioned or funded in
advance of production. Most commissioned projects are contracted
and delivered according to a fixed price agreement, ensuring
budget security for both client and producer. Most commissioned
projects are produced in English or Danish as the original
language and we have extensive experience in versioning, dubbing
and subtitling for other languages.
The company's facilities and production methods are geared to
comply with broadcast technical and editorial quality standards,
regardless of whether the project will be released via broadcast
television, hard-copy media or via the internet. With the growth
of web based digital media, the majority of our productions are
released via the internet.
To read more
about our production activities and experience select from the
menu on the left. |