Channel 6 Television - EDIT2
Benchmarking issues
Linear videotape editing
Non-linear editing
EDIT2 system overview
Benchmarking issues
Media storage issues
Windows 2000 issues
///Fast silver.
EDIT2 - a case story
Future development
DELL links
Channel 6 Television
Workstation specifications
Measuring the performance of a non-linear workstation presents the broadcast engineer with new challenges. Every digital compression and encoding method works differently, and places different demands on the platform. Compression complicates the issue further, in that the size of the data associated with a given frame or sequence of frames, will be dependent on the actual picture content, and the compression algorithm employed. Images with more detail, more colour nuances, and greater discretion between frames, will occupy greater data capacity when compressed than simple images with few colour nuances, no movement and large areas of similar picture content. Whilst compression saves space, a greater degree of compression implies less data from which to reconstruct the image, which in some systems places increased demand on processing resources.
Unlike its analogue predecessor, digital video technology has no standard reference images which will load the compression and processing systems with a known maximum amount of data. Whilst digital test patterns can be used to determine video quality and data integrity, there is, as yet, no reference image which can be used to measure the data transfer rate of a NLE system. Each manufacturer uses benchmark tools which are specifically designed a specific technology. Channel 6 Televisions EBU 625 line composite test card
Standard analogue and digital test patterns may be used to measure and calibrate the input and output signals and their behaviour further down the production and transmission chain. Channel 6 Television's EDIT2 has used traditional composite video measurement signals and test equipment with a high degree of success.
Perhaps the most important performance parameter in an NLE system is that of data access - transfer of media data between the storage devices and the NLE hardware on the system bus. ///FAST Multimedia bundles Diskspeed - a benchmarking tool with it's silver. software which gives an excellent indication of the host systems data transfer rate. It is important to understand how to interpret Diskspeed's results when monitoring a system.
Diskspeed creates a dummy media file of a user definable size, and copies this in a linear write operation to the selected media drive. Diskspeed then reads this file in both random and linear read modes, for a range of selected transfer block sizes. The default set-up - which is adequate for most tests - uses two block sizes - 16Kb and 512Kb. These sizes are relevant for silver. as audio data is transferred in 16Kb blocks whilst video is transferred in 512Kb blocks. The block size is applied on the workstation system bus, but will be converted to other block sizes at the RAID controller, which dictates its own block size for transfer between the controller and RAID. This is one of the issues which makes the use of a large cache RAM on the controller beneficial. A typical Diskspeed readout could look like this -
100MB file to/from main memory
async. access with command queue len 10

Block | Read Lin | Read Rnd | Write Lin
 Kb   |  MB/sec  |  MB/sec  |  MB/sec
16    |    27.9  |    45.2  |    23.2
512   |    93.2  |    92.0  |    33.8

Disk average useage: PLAY 24%, RECORD 64%
Disk OK for silver.mpg

It would appear that Diskspeed measures the entire transfer rate - from the initial command request until the transfer is completed. The readout therefore includes the performance of the RAID controller. Typical results will indicate lower transfer rates when writing and reading small block sizes, and lower transfer rates for random read operations. With correct configuration of the RAID controller and correct formatting of the RAID drives, it is possible to achieve similar transfer rates for both random and linear read. The goal is to arrive at a configuration which offers not only an adequate transfer rate, but also a transfer rate which is reasonably stable when linear and random reads are compared, or when different test file sizes are run.
When using an intelligent controller with on-board cache, it is important to run benchmark tests with file sizes which exceed the cache capacity, to ensure that the system performs well when a data stream with a random size relationship to the cache is accessed.  In the course of developing EDIT2, we have established a suite of tests using Diskspeed, which indicate a transfer rate profile over a wide range of file sizes -
  • 4, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512, 1000, and 10,000 MB files sizes
We have run suite of tests every time we experiment with any of the following variables (using the Dell PERC2/DC or PERC3/DC RAID controllers) -
  • RAID format cluster size (512KB, 1024KB, 2048KB options tested)
  • RAID controller transfer block size (32KB, 64KB, 128KB options tested)
  • RAID controller cache size (64MB and 128MB options tested)
  • RAID controller read mode (Read ahead, Adaptive, no read-ahead)
  • RAID controller I/O mode (cached / direct)
  • RAID controller cache write mode (write back / write thru)
  • RAID level (RAID 0 and RAID 5 tested)
This is a complicated series of tests. A single suite takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, and the above 17 variables result in a total of 289 permutations, which would take approximately 100 hours to complete in a single session.

To simplify this process, we ran a series of tests using top, middle and bottom files sizes to eliminate certain variables, arriving at the following constants which gave best results throughout the entire file size range -

  • RAID format cluster size - 1024KB
  • RAID controller transfer block size - 64KB
  • RAID controller cache size - 128MB
  • RAID controller read mode - Adaptive
  • RAID controller I/O mode - Cached I/O
  • RAID controller write mode - Write back
  • RAID level - RAID 5
The above list has become our standard configuration settings, and we now perform the 4, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512, 1000, and 10,000 MB files size test suite as a benchmark for our NLE RAIDs.

For a complete readout of Diskspeed benchmark data on our systems, taken on Dell Precision 620 and 530 workstations with both PERC2/DC and PERC3/DC RAID controllers - click here

There has been much discussion in our industry regarding the feasibility of implementing different RAID levels for video applications. Many prominent NLE manufacturers maintain that anything other than RAID0 (simple striping of a set of disks together) will result in unacceptable data transfer rates. At the time we established our digital suite, we were editing a four part documentary series with over 200 reels of raw material - the logging process alone had taken 3 months, therefore we were interested in achieving the highest level of data security possible. We opted for RAID5, using a set of 8 72GB drives, in which the parity data is spread across all drives - any single drive can fail and the remaining 7 drives can reconstruct the missing data on a new 8th drive.

We had heard that RAID3 gave better performance than RAID5, though were unable to test this as Dell RAID products do not support RAID3. This is because in RAID 3, parity data is stored on a dedicated drive, resulting in a higher mechanical loading of the parity drive, and thus a higher proportion of unrecoverable failures on the parity drives. We had also tried RAID0, but having lost all data once due to drive failure, we were reluctant to follow that route again.

Using a PERC2/DC RAID controller, we tested both RAID0 and RAID5, and given an adequate RAID controller cache (128MB) found no perceptible difference in performance between the two RAID levels. After this, all our work has been undertaken on RAID5.

The first Dell workstation (Precision 620) was equipped with a PERC2/DC RAID controller, which offers 80Mbit transfer rate. The Power vault drives are U160 drives. It is important to understand, that under a write operation, each drive is handling one eighth of the write, so the controller card can keep feeding data to the drives as the next drive to write will usually be ready as soon as the previous drive begins to write. The reverse is true on the read operation, as all eight drives are sharing the same controller and cache path, so it is on read operations that the controller's headroom could constitute a bottleneck.

The PERC2 uses a 32-bit PCI slot. When migrating to the Precision 530 platform, we were interested in freeing up the interrupt channels which are associated with the 32-bit slots, to eliminate conflicts with our NLE card. Like the Precision 620, the 530 has two 64-bit PCI slots, but unlike the 620, the 530 64-bit slots so not share IRQ channels with the 32-bit slots. We therefore decided to migrate to the PERC3/DC RAID controller, which besides offering 64-bit PCI compliance also offers a U160 transfer rate - an important feature given that, at the same time, we were expanding the storage system to two 500GB power vaults - one on each RAID controller channel. Increased controller bandwidth, whilst not necessarily giving better editing performance, would speed up transfers of media data between the two RAID arrays.

(Dell's support website contains much data on the PERC2 and PERC3 2-channel controllers, these devices are manufactured for Dell by American Megatrends (AMI) under which name they are sold as the Elite 1600 and the Enterprise 1500 RAID controllers.) There is also a four channel controller - PERC2/QC - but this is not yet recommended for such applications.

Both the PERC2/DC and the PERC3/DC can be supplied with on-board battery back-up for the cache RAM - this is important because a power failure during a write operation could leave data stranded in RAM - the OS would presume that it had been successfully delivered and stored on the RAID - whilst in fact it would be lost under the power outage, and the fault may not show itself until much later. (Note - Dell recommends disconnecting the battery back-up before removing or inserting RAM onto the RAID controller, to avoid damaging the RAM).

Diskspeed measures sustained data transfer rate for a given file size. It is important to understand that audio files and video files present the NLE with different demands. Using the silver. system as a benchmark, audio files would require a maximum of 0.09MB/sec for a maximum of 8 real-time audio tracks (tracks in excess of this would be rendered for playback) this gives an overhead of 0.56MB/sec.

Similarly, playback of 2 real-time video tracks at the highest MPEG2 compression ratio (NDQ50) would require 2 x 6.25MB/sec = 12.50MB/sec. Added to this is an estimate overhead ofr a single graphics track of 2MB/sec.

This gives a maximum transfer rate demand as follows -

  • 2 video tracks @ 6.25MB/sec = 12.50MB/sec
  • 8 audio tracks @ 0.09MB/sec = 0.56MB/sec
  • plus graphics layer – max. 2MB/sec
  • Total required sustained transfer rate = 15MB/sec.
These are the figures for silver.mpg. other ///FAST systems, as well as systems from other manufacturers, would present different requirements.

It is therefore important to understand, that any 16KB (audio) block size transfer over 0.56MB/sec (sustained) and any 512KB (video) block size transfer over 12.5MB/sec is acceptable - the system will never present a demand exceeding 15MB/sec, and for editing purposes, the system cannot use a higher transfer rate. (Though other data maintenance applications may well benefit from higher rates).

The major difference between Diskspeed's data transfer test and the real transfer rate demanded by a fully loaded project timeline under editing, is that whilst they both present the system with the same headroom demands, editing will often demand transfers of audio and video in block-size combinations which may not equate with the benchmark testing of the two block sizes separately. It is therefore vital to have enough overhead to take account of this variable.

As we have learnt to understand the transfer rate demands of silver. we have also become more confident at interpreting the results of Diskspeed. Whilst Diskspeed may sometimes indicate transient hangs which are not a problem, we can conclude that any RAID array which passes the Diskspeed test, will usually perform well during editing and playback - and that if problems which seem to indicate disk access inadequacy should show up, it is usually related to other factors such as shared IRQ's or software bugs.

We have used Diskspeed on three different workstation platforms, using both Windows NT4.0 SP5 and Windows 2000 SP2 (on FAST studio XL 2.5 and later) and have not seen any dramatic difference in transfer rates which was not attributable to hardware factors such as the RAID controller. (Our first "clone system used a non intelligent Adaptec controller, rather than the PERC2 and PERC3 which we have since used on Dell platforms with great success.

In the course of this project we have looked for other benchmark tools, but have found none better than ///FAST Diskspeed. No benchmark test is perfect, so it is important to interpret the results - run tests on only one modified variable at a time, and remember to test over a wide range of file sizes. Do not automatically assume, that a configuration which, for a given files size, gives the best transfer rate, is necessarily the right configuration. Pursue instead a configuration which gives similar results across the entire file size and linear/random read spectrum, and pursue a headroom which gives a sustained transfer rate at least a quarter of the specified burst transfer rate of the slowest component in the chain. Finally, do not assume that all NLE performance problems are related to transfer rate issues, they may be caused by other system configuration parameters.

Warning: If you are contemplating migration from PERC2/DC to PERC3/DC, do not attempt this migration using a RAID with "hot" unbacked-up data. Although the PERC3/DC can reconfigure a RAID which was previously formatted on a PERC2/DC, we have experienced that the data on such a RAID may be unreadable in some applications, including the NLE system - either migrate when the drives may be erased without cost, or arrange adequate spare RAID capacity to make a copy of each RAID's data, so that the master RAID may be reformatted properly and data restored afterwards. This "experiment" cost us 5 weeks re-digitisation of video/audio data!

© 2001 Channel 6 Television Denmark