Channel 6 Television - EDIT2
Media storage issues
Linear videotape editing
Non-linear editing
EDIT2 system overview
Benchmarking issues
Media storage issues
Windows 2000 issues
///Fast silver.
EDIT2 - a case story
Future development
DELL links
Channel 6 Television
Workstation specifications
After the choice of editing hardware/software the choice of a storage solution for a NLE system is perhaps the most important issue. The available capacity has a direct influence on the amount of data - and therefore the amount of work - which the edit suite will be able to handle at a given time. There are many issues to be addressed when selecting storage for media applications -
Dell Power vault 201S EDIT2 uses 2 Dell 210s Power vault storage units, each hosting 8 x 73GB Seagate U160 SCSI 10,000 rpm 1.6" drives. Each drive is mounted on a plug-in tray, and has a three LED diagnostic display. The Power vault has a splittable backplane, controllable from the RAID controller as either 1x8 or 2x4 drives. There are two redundant power supplies and three redundant cooling modules.
Unlike many clone RAID cabinets, which rely on flexible wiring looms for interconnection, the Power vault has no flexible internal wiring whatsoever. This ensures a high level of electrical and mechanical reliability, and improves cooling dramatically, as there are no clumsy ribbon cables to block airflow. All drives, power supplies and cooling modules plug directly onto the backplane PWA, which is carefully designed to allow airflow through the unit. In a typåical ambient room temperature of 25°C, the drives themselves retain a working temperature typically between 18°C and 24°C - far below the manufacturers maximum recommended working temperature of 50°C. The cooling fans are variable speed, determined by intelligent cooling control circuitry, ensuring low fan noise under normal operation. Compared to many inferior solutions which are popular in the broadcast television and multimedia sectors, the Power vault is only marginally more expensive. Whilst EDIT2 runs a SCSI 68-pin based storage solution, Dell also offer fibre-optic solutions with similar mecahnical characteristics.
Choosing a storage solution
When designing a digital edit suite (taking EDIT2's ///FAST silver. as an example, the following consideratons concerning storage are important -
Drive manufacturer
Not all hard drives are suitable for NLE video streaming applications. Choose a drive which is already proven on the market, and for which the manufacturer offers at least 3 years warranty. We have used both IBM and Seagate drives (our Power vaults are fitted with Seagate drives). 10.000 rpm is necessary for video streaming applications. Choose as large a disk cache as possible - 4MB seems to be a current (2001) standard. Because of their mechanical construction, you are more likely to experience a drive failure than a failure to any other system component. It's not a question of "if" but rather "when" - therefore a quality manufacturer, supported by a quality integrator such as Dell, may mean major economic advantages when a drive eventually fails. There are other drive manufacturers, though we have, as yet, no experience of their products for such applications. Our previous experience with IBM on warranty replacement is excellent. We have not yet experienced failures on Seagate drives.

Data capacity
Itis important to have enough storage, for the type of productions and style of editing to be undertaken. Longer programmes, or the need to log and digitise large amounts of raw material, dictate greater storage requirements. Most NLE systems allow for editing on the basis of large amounts of data in off-line (low-resolution) quality, and subsequent re-digitisation of the actual material used to a higher resolution for play-out. If a system must be able to handle large amounts of material at the higher release resolution, this will require more storage capacity. Finally, there is the issue of flexibility. Analogue videotape suites can handle many projects in which editing sessions overlap - swap the raw and master tapes, and a new project can take over. In a non-linear digital suite, a project loads the system until it is completed and its data is erased - therefore additional storage must be allowed if the facility must be able to handle overlapping projects. Similarly, many editors prefer to have an amount of stock material - stock shots, graphicvs, sound effects, permanently available in the suite. Space must be allocated for this.

Number of drives
Whilst modern media drives with speeds up to and over 10.000 rpm are quick to deliver data, all drives are interrupted - albeit for a short time - when a data request necessitates moving the read/write head. To deliver satisfactory data transfer rates for video applications, it is necessary to spread the data over more than one drive (rule of thumb is at least three drives), so that data may be read from one drive, whilst the other drives can reposition their heads. The ideal number of drives will also depend on the chosen RAID level and the desired data capacity.

Number of stripe sets / RAID arrays
As drive manufacturers continue to release larger and cheaper drives, it becomes important to consider the upper limits of a single RAID or stripe set's data capacity. Initially one would suppose that a large RAID is better than two small ones, but this view does not take account of the risk of data loss. Despite RAID strategies, there is always the risk of losing data due to drive failure or lost configuration. The more data on the RAID, the more data which can be lost! Therefore the size of a single RAID should never be greater, than the amount of data which the user is prepared to redigitise or recover. With a 500GB Power vault containing low-resolution (off-line quality) video/audio data, this could mean up to 200 reels of Betacam SP footage! In EDIT2 we have set the limit at 500GB, further expansion will then be based on additional RAIDs rather than larger RAIDs.

RAID level
RAID means a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks - a method by which several disks can be combined so as to appear to the workstation as a single disk.

The fastest and most effective use of a group of disks occurs when they are striped as single drive (just a bundle of disks) - and data is spread equally accross all drives. Depending on the controller, between 8 and 15 drives may be spriped together in this manner - which is (maybe erroneously) referred to as RAID0. The shortcoming of RAID0 is that if one disk fails, all data on the entire stripe set is lost irretrievably.

RAID0 has been the preferred striping method for many NLE manufacturers, many of whom have believed that video applications cannot handle RAID levels with a higher level of redundancy.

There are many other RAID levels, most of which are either too slow in operation, or demand to much disk space, for video applications -

  • RAID0 - Up to 8 (sometimes 15) drives striped as one, no redundancy, capacity equal to all eight drives together.
  • RAID1 - 2 drives, one a mirror of the other, 100% redundancy, capacity equal to a single drive.
  • RAID2 - Not used widely
  • RAID3 - 5-15 drives, data spread over all drives minus one, the last drive contains parity data from which data on any single lost drive may be reconstructed. high redundancy, undue overworking of parity drive. Capacity equal to number of drives together minus approx. one drive. (Not recommended!)
  • RAID4 - not used widely
  • RAID5 - 5-15 drives, data and parity information spread over all drives, data from any single drive failure can be restored. Capacity equal to all drives together minus approx. one drive.
RAID arrays can also be combined, for example 2 separate RAID0's where one set mirros the other in RAID1 - this is called RAID10. Likewise two RAID3's or RAID5's can be mirrored, or several mirrorsets can be arrayed in RAID3 or RAID5. None of these strategies are presently sutable for realtime video applications.

Given the current choices, RAID5 is the best method for protecting data for video editing applications.

RAID controller
Unintelligent RAID controllers, including some integrated (on-board) controllers, can usually only handle separate SCSI devices up to 15 per SCSI channel, or a simple RAID0 stripe set. RAID levels with redundancy demand intelligent RAID controllers.
Dell PERC2/DC U80 Raid controller with 128MB BBU RAM Dell PERC3/DC U160 Raid controller with 128MB BBU RAM

We have previously used the Dell PERC2/DC RAID controller, but have upgraded to a U160 device. EDIT2 uses the Dell PERC3/DC (Dual channel) RAID controller. This controller has on-board 128MB cache RAM, which enables higher sustained data transfer rates because the cache can hold data whilst the drives are busy writing. At present 128MB is the maximum cache size for the PERC controllers. We have tried 64MB but this gave poorer results. The PERC range are manufactured by American Megatrends Inc. (AMI) Similar cache technology is also available from other RAID controller manufacturers such as Adaptec.

A battery backup for the cache RAM is important to reduce the possibility of data loss in the event of power outages during write operations.

With an intelligent controller, there is no perceptable difference in performance between RAID0 and RAID5, likewise there is no difference between for example a single 8 drive array or two 4 drives arrays on separate controller channels.

In RAID5 write operations are marginally slower, as both data and parity information must be written to the drives. In read operations, RAID0 and RAID5 have the same speed. Write operations are generally free of problems, as the system only handles one video stream and up to four audio streams at once - under half the capability of the system under playback.

Generally it is important to understand the real-time nature of video streaming applications. Whereas most users - using office applications - cannot perceive the difference in speed between say a Pentium II 500MHz platform and a PIII 2x1GHZ platform, as delays in terms of microseconds are unnoticeable, video applications demand data on-time. There are no performance grey areas - transfer rate is either fast enough, or too slow.

In EDIT2, with ///FAST silver. MPEG2 and the Dell Power vault in 8x73GB RAID5 configuration, the storage capacity achieved for each Power vault may be calculated - 

The following data from ///FAST Multimedia is used to calculate minutes of programme material per GB of effective storage -
Data rate
Comparable to Min per GB
5 5 Off-line 26,50
10 10 VHS 13,00
15 15 S-VHS 8,50
25 25 DV, DVCPro (25) 5,00
33 33 Betacam SP 4,00
50 50 Digital Betacam, DVCPro50 2,50

The capacity of each power vault is calculated to include a redendancy for parity data and a redundancy for that capacity, beyond which performance may suffer - on RAID0 using an non-intelligent controller, performance redundancy can be as hish as 20% - Using the PERC2 and PERC3 controllers, we have not registered any noticeable reduction in performance when working on an almost fully loaded raid. However, as a matter of caution, our capacity calculations include a performance redundancy of 5%
Capacity / drive (GB) 72
Number of drives 8
RAID redundancy % 10
Performance redundancy % 5
Total redundancy % 15
Nominal capacity of RAID 489,60

To calculate storage capacity in relation to reels of videotape, we apply the following rule of thumb (this is accurate for our acquisition format - Betacam SP and our typical shooting ratios - other systems and production environments may need to work with other figures). This gives an estimate of the average amount of material per production reel, which we would digitise -
Source reel Betacam SP BSP30
Nominal running time (minutes) 34.00
Useable footage %  90
Useable r/t (minutes) 30.60

On the basis of the above figures, a single 8x72GB Power vault has the following storage capacity -
NDQ Minutes Hours Reels
5 12,974.40 216.24 424
10 6,364.80 106.08 208
15 4,161.60 69.36 136
25 4,448.00 40.80 80
33 1,958.40 32.64 64
50 1,224.00 20.40 40

The total capacity of EDIT2 is roughly twice the above figures.

© 2001 Channel 6 Television Denmark