Channel 6 Television - EDIT2
Website credits 
and disclaimer
Linear videotape editing
Non-linear editing
EDIT2 system overview
Benchmarking issues
Media storage issues
Windows 2000 issues
///Fast silver.
EDIT2 - a case story
Future development
DELL links
Channel 6 Television
Workstation specifications
This website has been developed as a knowledge base, to make the experience harvested in the course of this project available to others, including Dell Computer Corporation's support staff.

This website is solely the work of Channel 6 Television Denmark, the content herein does not imply any warranty or other obligation on the part of Channel 6 Television any third party. The information given herein is provided in good faith, and may be used by others at their own risk. Channel 6 Television Denmark does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to third-party data or systems, howsoever caused.

Photographs of Channel 6 Televisions facilities are copyright Channel 6 Television. Photographs of Dell Computer Corporation's products are copyright Dell Computer Corporation and are available at Dell's PR website.

The information on this website was compiled between April 2000 and September 2001 by Adrian Redmond and John D. Steffensen. The viewpoints expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the technical knowledge and system philosophies of the manufacturers of hardware and software components referred to herein. We are grateful to Colin Healy of Dell for his technical support in the course of this project.

Much of the technical information given on these pages is specific to the EDIT2 installation on which this website is based. Descriptions of NLE performance and system requirements may differ on other ///FAST silver. systems, or on NLE systems from other NLE manufacturers.

Whilst every effort will be made to update this website and to reply to any enquiries from others, Channel 6 Television Denmark cannot offer any formal support concerning the issues discussed herein. Enquiries relating to ///FAST Multimedia's products should be addressed to your regional FAST distributor.

This website was designed at Channel 6 Television Denmark using Netscape Composer, and is optimised for viewing on a 800x600 pixels monitor.

© 2001 Channel 6 Television Denmark