Whaling statistics - 1969
Whaling in 1968-69 and summer 1969
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic - 3,020 - 5,776 2,682 - 11,478
- Natal - 150 - 40 1,885 31 2,078
- Cape Province - - - - - - -
Brazil5 - - - - - - -
North Atlantic and Arctic:-
- Azores - - - - 145 - 145
- Madeira - - - - 83 - 83
- Spain - - - - 193 1222 315
- Norway - 16 - 1 111 - 128
- Iceland - 251 - 69 103 - 423
- Newfoundland - 376 53 3 5 - 389
- Nova Scotia - 157 - 149 - - 306
- Greenland - - - - - - -
Pacific (north):-
- California - 31 - 10 68 744 183
- North Pacific and
Bering Sea, pelagic
- 576 - 3,591 3,000 - 7,167
- Kamtchatka, pelagic - 593 - 1,091 8,211 - 9,895
- Japan - 76 - 466 3,668 891 4,299
Chile5 - - - - - - -
Peru - 74 - 784 1,447 - 2,305
Australia - - - - 679 - 679
Indian Ocean, pelagic6 - - - - 955 - 955
South Atlantic, pelagic6 - - - - 907 - 907
TOTAL - 5,320 5 11,980 24,142 288 41,735
1) Bryde whales.
2) Baleen whales, not specified.
3) Humpbacks caught under special permit.
4) Grey whales.
5) No information received.
6) Catch by floating factories on voyage to and from the Antarctic whaling grounds (catch north of 40o South Lat.).
Whaling results for the various countries: 1968-69 and summer 1969
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Australia - - - - 679 - 679
Brazil5 - - - - - - -
Canada - 533 - 152 5 51 695
Chile5 - - - - - - -
Iceland - 251 - 69 103 - 423
Japan - 2,473 - 7,552 7,014 892 17,128
Norway - 16 - 1 111 - 128
Peru - 74 - 784 1,447 - 2,305
Portugal - - - - 228 - 228
South Africa - 150 - 40 1,885 32 2,078
Spain - - - - 193 1223 315
U.S.A. - 31 - 10 68 744 183
U.S.S.R. - 1,792 - 3,372 12,409 - 17,573
TOTAL - 5,320 - 11,980 24,142 293 41,735
1) Humpbacks caught under special permit.
2) Bryde whales.
3) Baleen whales not specified.
4) Grey whales.
5) No information received.
Whaling of Japan: 1968-69 and summer 1969
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic - 1,821 - 3,495 - - 5,316
North Pacific and
Bering Sea, pelagic
- 576 - 3,591 3,000 - 7,167
Japan - 76 - 466 3,668 891 4,299
Indian Ocean, pelagic - - - - 346 - 346
TOTAL - 2,473 - 7,552 7,014 89 17,128
1) Bryde whales.
Whaling of U.S.S.R.: 1968-69 and summer 1969
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Antarctic, pelagic - 1,199 - 2,281 2,682 - 6,162
South Atlantic, pelagic1 - - - - 907 - 907
Indian Ocean, pelagic1 - - - - 609 - 609
Kamtchatka, pelagic - 593 - 1,091 8,211 - 9,895
TOTAL - 1,792 - 3,372 12,409 - 17,573
1) Catch by floating factories on voyage to and from the Antarctic whaling grounds (catch north of 40o South Lat.).

The Committee for Whaling Statistics,
"International Whaling Statistics - LXV", Oslo, 1970

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