The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU and EEA. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU. 

The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on 25th May 2018. Prior to this, on the 17th May, the Danish parliament enacted L 68 making the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 law in Denmark. 

(to download the text of L 68 and the GDPR in Danish click here)

To comply with the GDPR Channel 6 Television Denmark has reviewed the company's data policy as follows -

In the course of business or production operations, Channel 6 Television Denmark routinely collects and stores data which may include personally identifiable information in the following categories - 

  • Creditor and debitor data, including company name and CVR number, company representative name(s), company address(es), contact telephone numbers and email addresses for the company and those representatives with whom Channel 6 Television has a trading relationship.
  • Contact names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of those with whom the company has contact in the course of production or operation.

The aforementioned data is not shared with any third party without the express prior permission of the organizations or individuals involved.

Customers, suppliers and business partners with whom Channel 6 Television has or has had a business relationship may assume that the aforementioned data is collected and stored and at any time may contact the company to a) request insight into the exact data involved and/or b) to request that such data be extinguished from the company's records and data storage systems.

For creditor and debitor information such data is usually limited to that data supplied to Channel 6 Television by the creditor or debitor on business documents that is necessary for completion of a transaction - such as invoices and bank transaction instructions. In accordance with Danish tax law, accounts data, including invoices, receipts, and wage slips must be held by the company for at least 5 years following the financial year to which they pertain.

Channel 6 Television collects and stores personally identifiable data in the course of entering into contracts of employment with employees or contracts for the supply of services by suppliers. Such data will normally be limited to name/company name CVR/CPR number, address, telephone and email address, employment tax registration documentation, and bank account information for the transfer of funds by Channel 6 Television to the employee or supplier. Unless otherwise required by Danish law, such data will normally be stored for a period of 5 years following its collection and will thereafter be deleted. Previous employees and suppliers may at any time contact the company to a) request insight into the exact data involved and/or b) to request that such data, subject to the otherwise requirements of Danish law, be extinguished from the company's records and data storage systems.

Subject to specific agreement in each instance, personally identifiable data relating to employees, production partners or participants engaged on production assignments which involve overseas travel, and/or security clearance to specific production locations or for access to the confidential data of others with whom the company has an assignment may be collected and stored by the company for travel documentation, clearance and coordination purposes. The specific data collected and stored will depend on the needs of the specific assignment and travel itinerary - including but not limited to passport information, identity photographs, other applicable identification documents, essential contact information to family or friends in Denmark as well as personal medical information deemed essential in the event of medical emergencies whilst travelling. Such data will only be collected directly and consentually from the individual concerned and stored with the express written agreement of the individual involved. Such data will be extinguished at any time upon request by the individual following the completion of the assignment. Such data will not be communicated to any third party without the express agreement of the individual involved.

Personally identifiable employee or supplier data is not shared with any third party without the express prior permission of the organizations or individuals involved. Company employees and production partners who have access to such data in the course of their work with Channel 6 Television will be required to accord such data the same confidentiality and safeguards as applied herein by the company.

Data relating to participants or cooperation partners in connection with Channel 6 Television productions.

Participating in a film or television production, particularly as a journalistic interview subject, will often imply the imparting of personally identifiable data about the participant to the company, its employees and production partners, and in some cases to the audience of the resulting production.

In all cases where such data may be imparted by a participant, Channel 6 Television will require the participant to sign a written release form which clearly defines the scope of the participant's involvement, the nature of potential personal identifiability involved - particularly with regard to the participants identity being published in the production (such as in on-screen titles, credits and press releases), and the participant's express consent for such. In the case of participants under the age of 18, such a consent agreement must be entered into between Channel 6 Television Denmark and the participant's legal parent or guardian.

"Vox-pop" and other ad-hoc interviews (which are normally recorded without prior written agreement) may not involve any personally identifiable data about the participant unless a written agreement is entered into.

The consent regarding personally identifiable data which the participant agrees to will cover all possible disclosures such as in any research notes taken by the journalist or producer, the recording itself, any transcript or logging documentation of the interview subsequently made by Channel 6 Television in the course of the editing and post production editorial work, and any subsequent broadcast, distribution or dissemination of the interview within the terms agreed in the participant's consent agreement.

The conduct of Channel 6 Television Denmark and its employees, partners or agents with regard to film or video recordings undertaken on or within private property is covered by other Danish laws as well as the company's longstanding policy of always ensuring informed consent for such recordings prior to their being made.

Channel 6 Television Denmark websites

Channel 6 Television Denmark does not create, maintain or publish websites in the company's name which involve the collection of personally identifiable data. The Channel 6 Television Denmark website does not employ cookies or similar tracking technologies.

Further enquiries

Further enquiries concerning the company's data protect policy may be addressed to -

  Adrian Redmond
  Managing Director
  Channel 6 Television Denmark

(address protected against robot harvesting - click on the links above to open a mail in your e-mail client)
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© 2018 Channel 6 Television Denmark
  25/05/2018 20:09 

Channel 6 Television Denmark Foerlevvej 6, Mesing, DK-8660 Skanderborg, Denmark
Telephone +45 86 57 22 66 / Mobile +45 20 78 52 66
Registered as a business in Denmark CVR# DK76432317